Butter_50 gram
Fresh cream_3tablespoon
White chocolate_170gram
Vanila essence_1teaspoon
Yellow food colour_one pinch
Icing sugar_1/4cup
*Add the butter and cream in a heavy bottomed saucepan
*Bring it on fire on medium heat and keep stirring until butter is melted and combines well  with the cream.
* Add the vannilla essence and mix well, switch off the stove
*Add food color, mix well again
* Add the hot mixture in to the grated white choclate
* Mix it with the whisk well until it melt and mix properly.
* If it is not melted properly, do double boiling.
* Refrigerate for 1 to 2 hours ,cover with lid.
* Prepare small balls like shape and make it covered with icing sugar. ( Can use spoon to prepare balls).
