Rava ladoo

  1. Rava...........................: 1 cup
  2. Powdered sugar..........: 1/2 cup
  3. cardamom...................: 2
  4. Water...........................: 1/2 cup
  5. Cashew nut..................: 1 teaspoon
  6. Raisins..........................: 1 teaspoon
  7. Ghee  ............................: 2 tablespoon
  •  In a pan add ghee in this  roast cashew nut  and raisins .keep it asaide
  • In the same pan roast rava  for 5 minute
  • Add powdered sugar and cardamom powder 
  • Add water .Mix slowly .Add cashew nut  and raisins  stir well till it become a dough .Switch off flame and let it cool.
  • Apply some ghee on your palm and make small balls using the dough. 
