Mug pizza

Mug pizza

Maida................................... 4 tablespoon

Baking powder.....................1/4 teaspoon

Salt........................................a pinch

Milk.....................................4 tablespoon

Olive oil..............................1 tablespoon

Mozzarella cheese................1 tablespoon

Dried herbs...........................1/4 teaspoon

Pizza sauce..........................1 tablespoon


Take a microwave safe bowl add maida,baking  powder,salt,milk,olive oil,and dried herbs.mix well.

  • Take a tablespoon pizza sauce and spread this in to the mix.

  • And sprinkle some cheese over the sauce.

  • Microwave this in to high power for 2 minut.

Enjoy easy and tasty mug pizza

Lots of love hasi😋😋
