vanilla milk shake

vanilla milk shake

milkshake, or simply shake, is a drink that is usually made by blending milkice cream, and flavorings or sweeteners such as butterscotchcaramel sauce, chocolate syrupfruit syrup, or whole fruit into a thick, sweet, cold mixture.
Full-service restaurants, ice cream shopssoda fountains, and diners usually prepare the shake in a specialized mixer known as a milkshake machine. At home, a blender is more commonly used. 
 Milk ............................2 cup
Sugar...........................1/2 cup
Condensed milk............1/4 cup
vanilla essence.............1 teaspoon

ice cubes.......................8-10



Take a blender add milk,sugar,condensed milk,vanilla essence,and ice cubes.

Blend well.

Our easy and tasty milk shake is ready.
